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legumes  of the viglino mill

fagioli cannellini mulino viglino
fagioli neri mulino viglino
fagioli rossi mulino viglino
fagioli dell'angelo mulino viglino
piselli spezzati mulino viglino
lenticchie rosse intere mulino viglino
lenticchie rosse decorticate mulino viglino
ceci rosi italiani mulino viglino

Cannellini beans : i  beans are of Italian production, selected by a Cuneo farm. Use: they must be left to soak for at least 4 hours and then they can be used in the production of soups and minestrone. They contain a substance (glucodrine) that lowers blood sugar.

Black beans : i  beans are of Italian production, selected by a Cuneo farm. Use: they must be left to soak for at least 4 hours and then they can be used in the production of soups and minestrone. They are a source of dietary fiber that promotes intestinal activity and well-being.

Red beans : i  beans are of Italian production, selected by a Cuneo farm. Use: they must be left to soak for at least 4 hours and then they can be used in the production of soups and minestrone. They are a source of dietary fiber that promotes intestinal activity and well-being.

Angel beans : These beans are  little known, but very delicate e  tasty.  They are easily distinguishable from others  because the dimensions are slightly smaller and they have  a beige streak right at the hilum  (the navel).

Split peas : i  split peas are of Italian production, selected by a Cuneo farm. Use: the peas do not need to be soaked and must be cooked in water for about 1 hour, after which they can be used as a side dish or for the preparation of soups.

Whole red lentils: like the other varieties of lentils, even the red ones are rich in properties. With a high content of vegetable protein, iron and fiber, low fat and zero cholesterol, they represent a very nutritious and balanced food. They are easily digestible and do not contain gluten.

Hulled red lentils: hulled red lentils are legumes deprived of the outer skin to be more digestible and quicker in cooking. They are complete legumes rich in  carbohydrates, proteins, fibers and carbohydrates; have a high concentration of  iron, potassium and vitamin B. Red lentils give a high energy power and have a  low glycemic index, they do not contain gluten, cholesterol and fat.

Italian wrinkled chickpeas : i  chickpeas  they are very rich in fiber and therefore help to  regularize the intestine . Thanks to their content of omega 3 fatty acids they are valid allies of  cardiovascular system; they contribute, in fact, to control blood pressure and to increase the values of HDL cholesterol, the so-called one  good,   by reducing LDL levels, the  bad cholesterol.

legumi mulino viglino


miglio decotìrticato mulino viglino
orzo perlato mulino viglino

Hulled millet: millet is of Italian production, selected by a farm in the Cuneo area. Use: it does not require soaking but should be washed very well and then placed in a pot and toasted for a few minutes, then water with a volume equal to twice the millet is added and left to cook for about 20 minutes. It is therefore ready to be used in salads, soups and broths.

Pearl barley: the barley is of Italian production, selected by a Cuneo farm. Use: it does not require soaking, just put it directly in water and cook for 40 minutes. Then it can be used for soups and soups.

Legumi mulino viglino
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