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The recipes of Mulino Viglino

We at Mulino Viglino have  chose to entrust the care of our cookbook  at the  young food blogger from Villanova Chiara Lazzarin.

His blog was created to merge together the  three  Chiara's passions: traveling, writing and above all cooking ... trying to create a virtual binder of all the recipes she has tried over the years, with a focus on sweet and savory leavened products and seafood.

In 2020 he becomes AICI cooking teacher. Because it was no longer enough for her to learn but she also wants to teach.

All his recipes can be found on the website  .


Breadsticks with cereal flour

grissini con farina ai cereali


  • 500 g of Mulino Viglino cereal flour

  • 250 g of water

  • 8 g of brewer's yeast

  • 50 g of olive oil

  • A teaspoon of salt

  • Corn flour or durum wheat semolina

  • More oil for brushing

Make a fountain with the flour, mix all the ingredients in the center and knead for 10 '. The dough should not be too soft.

Make a loaf and spread it into a rectangle of about 30x10, keeping the shape as regular as possible, place it on a layer of corn (or semolina) flour, brush the surface and the sides abundantly with olive oil and sprinkle everything with more cornmeal.

Cover like a bell and let it rise for 50 '- 60'.

With a knife with a thin blade or a spatula, cut sticks about one finger wide from the short side, grasp them in the center with your fingers and thin them by pulling them gently.

Arrange them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper a little spaced apart; bake in a preheated oven at 200 ° for about 10-12 minutes.

- Similar Sisters Recipe -

Curiosity : what does it mean to cover and let a bell-shaped dough rise? The Similar Sisters, this nice pair of Emilian twins known all over the world for their exceptional cooking school, use this "bell" leavening system when covering a dough using an upside-down bowl or pan that is high enough not to impede. the leavening of the dough.


treccia di pane su tagliere
treccia di pane intera tonda


  • 220 g of water

  • 5 g of brewer's yeast

  • 500 g of Mulino Viglino cereal flour *

  • 30 g of extra virgin olive oil

  • 8 g of salt

  • Two tablespoons of milk

Dissolve the yeast in warm water. Add part of the flour and start kneading, then add the salt and the rest of the flour, working vigorously.  Combine half of the oil, form a ball. Let the dough rest for about two hours, or at least until doubled in a bowl greased with oil.

After the rising time, divide the dough into three parts, roll out each dough with your hands forming a long and fairly thin cylinder.

Make a braid by alternating the three rolls. Place in a springform pan forming a ring, brush with milk and let rise for another 45-50 minutes.

Heat the oven to 220 °, put it in the oven and immediately lower it to 180-200 °. Cook for 30 minutes.

The extra idea : you can stuff the different loaves with pitted olives, chopped walnuts or finely chopped dried tomatoes, in order to obtain a multi-flavor braid. Alternatively, once cooled, you can cut the braid in half and stuff it as you like with tomato, mozzarella, salad, various cold cuts.

* “0” soft wheat flour, rye, semolina, corn, sesame, flax seeds and rice.

Focaccia with potato dough
focaccia farina 0 _mulinoviglino.jpg
focaccia con farina 0 mulino viglino


  • 500 g of flour 0 Mulino Viglino

  • 200 g white paste potatoes

  • 6 g of dry yeast

  • a teaspoon of salt

  • Origan

For the brine:

  • 2 tablespoons of water

  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

To season:

  • cherry tomatoes and Taggiasca olives

Procedure (doses for an oven dish):

Wash the potatoes, steam them for 30 ',  

let them cool slightly, peel them and mash them with a potato masher.

Dissolve the brewer's yeast in 500ml of warm water, knead it  lightly with the flour and potatoes.

Add the salt to the dough, then work it on a pastry board for 10 '.

Let it rise for about 3 hours covered with a floured kitchen towel.

Slightly deflate the dough, knead it on the floured work surface, folding it for 5 ', then roll it out on the baking tray covered with paper.

Make some holes with your fingertips, pour the brine and let it rest for another 30 '.

Heat the oven to 230 °.

In the meantime, wash the tomatoes and cut them into pieces; pour them into a bowl, add the Taggiasca olives, a pinch of salt and a pinch of oregano, then season the focaccia.

Bake for 23 ', remove from the oven, let it rest and serve.


finta frittata di farina di ceci e mais
finta frittta di faina di ceci  mais

Ingredients for 6 people:

  • 200 g Mulino Viglino chickpea flour

  • 100 g of Mulino Viglino cartoon corn flour

  • An eggplant

  • A dozen pachino tomatoes

  • Waterfall

  • A teaspoon of thyme

  • Extra virgin olive oil

  • Salt and pepper

In a bowl, mix the chickpea and corn flour. Gradually pour in enough warm water to obtain a fluid batter, stirring with a whisk to prevent lumps from forming. Cover the bowl with a plate and let it rest for an hour.

Meanwhile, peel the aubergine, cut it into thin slices and drain it with a pinch of salt for about 20 minutes. Rinse the aubergine slices, dab with kitchen paper. In a pan pour a drizzle of oil and cook the aubergine, salt lightly, season with thyme and set aside.

Rinse the cherry tomatoes, cut them into quarters.

Gently incorporate the vegetables into the batter. Heat a large pan, then pour in a tablespoon of oil. When this is hot, add all the mixture, shaking the pan until an even layer is obtained. Cook for about 10-15 minutes, until the edges are golden.

Place a flat plate on the pan, then turn the plate and pan upside down, so that the golden surface is facing up. Slide the preparation back into the pan and cook for another 10 minutes, or until the surface of the "fake omelette" is golden. Serve immediately.

focaccia in padella con farrro.jpg
focaccia in padella.jpg
Pan-fried focaccia

The doses are for two cakes of 26 cm in diameter.


  • 500 grams of wholemeal spelled flour Mulino Viglino

  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

  • 120 grams of milk

  • 150 gr of water

  • 1 sachet of yeast for savory preparations

  • 8 gr of salt


stracchino, cherry tomatoes, a few strands of chives; alternatively mozzarella, ham, fontina cheese, speck, spinach ...

Work the flour, oil, milk, water, yeast and salt in the mixer bowl (or by hand) for about 10 minutes.

Form a loaf and let it rest covered for 30 '.

Then divide the dough into four parts and roll it out with a rolling pin until you get 4 circles of the same size.

Pour a drizzle of oil on a non-stick pan and place the first circle of dough on top; stuff with stracchino, cherry tomatoes and chives, then close with another circle, pressing firmly on the sides to ensure that the filling does not come out during cooking.

Grease the second disc with a drizzle of oil and cook the focaccia over low heat for 8/10 minutes.

Once the first side is cooked, with the help of a plate or a lid, turn the focaccia on the other side, always cooking for about ten minutes.

Serve hot.

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